November Zagreb Expat Meetup - SOMETHING RED

Hello beloved people!

"Something Red" is coming to Zagreb...
Red is the color of fire and blood and is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

You, your friends, your neigbors, your cousins. You got it, the more, the merrier!

Really? You need an excuse to go out now?
Here's one for you: because you don't want to miss on all the fun...and because we all can use a drink or two!

November 19th 2015 from 8:30 PM

Sheery's, the new best-kept-secret in town....( Ilica 73 street )

What to drink?
Why don't you try our Bloody Mary, our luscious (and addictive!) coktail of the night.

What to wear?
In case the event name is not self-explainatory, you ought to WEAR SOMETHING RED. You can go full attire for the daring ones, but a single accesorry will totally do. And yes, lipstick, socks, purse, tie, underwear count!
Also, don't forget to wear your most beautiful smile. It could take you very far :-)

What else shoud I know?
These events are designed to NETWORK so please don't be shy and go and TALK TO PEOPLE! That 's how you make friends and connections!
Talking to strangers is not only allowed, it is actually what's expected from you!
Last, but not the least, Sherry's will be bringing the beat back and will grace our ears with some eccletic, groovy, soulful beats all night so you that can even break a sweat on the dancefloor!

Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure.
So? Are you ready ?
See you guys on Thursday then!

Creative Mastermind for this event : Khan Kanga ( A Cool Man )

Your hosts : Morana Petricevic & Andrea Holjevac & Kresimir Loncar

For many guests, it’ll be the first Meetup event and quite a few people will arrive on their own. Please help make them feel welcome. If you see someone alone in a corner, it’d be great if you introduced them to your friends. This way, we can share the spirit of connecting global minds, and every member will have a lovely time. Thanks!


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