- Importing pets
- Traveling with pets
- Pets transport
- Pets in the city


There is no quarantine here for dogs and cats but, before importing your pet into Croatia, consult your own vet and ensure you obtain the following certificates:
- International Health Certificate
- Up to date Vaccination Certificate, including rabies

If you are driving your pet into Croatia, then you may be asked to produce the paperwork at any of the borders that you drive throgh. If you pet is arriving by airfreight, then the airline will be able to assist you with importing. You need to check with the airline if you should have a vet waiting for the plane, as there are no kennels available.
There are no dog taxes or leash and muzzle laws in Croatia, except on public transport, where dogs have to be muzzled.
All dogs in Croatia have to be microchiped.


Remember to take all yur pet's documents with you, especially the passport and inoculation documents. Croatia is EU country so it is considered as low rabies risk. Movement of pets with the correct documents should be possible to most countries, but consult the websites of individual countries for more detailed inormation. Dogs, cats and other small animals should be able to enter the UK from Croatia under the PETS scheme, but confirm this before attepting to bring them.

Pets are allowed in city public transport if they are on leash and muzzle laws, but there is more and more ZOO taxies every day and you can check some numbers on this LINK.


In the city centre are handsome parks, but do keep your dog on a lead and off grassy areas. You should collect waste behind your dog wherever it leaves it. Some parks forbid dogs, especially childrens playgrounds.

For Pets Corner please click on this LINK.

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