6.12.2013. -6.01.2014. Christmas Tram Ride

Christmas Tram Ride

It is a short ride around the city of Zagreb on the ZET Christmas Tram starting at Trg Ban Jelacic. There will be a Santa Claus and some sweeties included with the tickets.  Small children can sit on parents’ laps and are free of charge. Ride takes 25 minutes and price per person is 25 kn. First and last station is on the main square on the corner of Praška and Jurišićeva.

Working hours:

A) work days (until 21.12.) od 10-12, (brake 13:00-15:30) and from 16:00-19:00;
B) work days from 06.12.2013. untill 06.01.2014.od 12:00-19:00 sati, pauza od 15:00-16:00sati;
Weekends: 10:00-19:30, brake 15:00-16:00

25.12. i 01.01.2014.g. Not working

Info phone: 01 3651 671 ili 



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