- Getting around
- Walking
- Public transport
- Taxi
- Car

There is nothing Croatians love more than children, except perhaps babies. In general, people here are very friendly and helpful toward children and mums and will often go out of their way to lend a hand.


Getting around in a new town is never easy and, unfortunately, Zagreb is not set up very well for travel with litlle ones. These comments tend to be baby-specfic.


The pavements are crowded with cars, which makes it difficult and sometimes impossible to maneuver a pushchair. There are also a lot tram tracks and large curbs to cope with. On the other hand, around the centre of town many of the streets are pedestrianised, which makes it easy to stroll and shop.


Most buses and trams are low-floor. Buses have a dedicated pushchair spot, but you will need to signal driver to open the larger centre doors, since most pushchairs will not fit through the front door. Be aware that public transport is often quite crowded and it may be difficult to find room for a large pushchair, especially on routes near the centre of town. Children travel free, up to age of seven. For more informations about Zagreb public transport click on the LINK


There are many Taxi companies and individuals in Zagreb and you can find reccomended on the LINK. For many of them you have to announce in advance that you need child set and they will send car equiped with it. It is also possible to hire some taxi drivers as regular drivers, providing convenience, a familiar face and perhaps a discount. If you meet someone you like, ask for a bussines card.


The parking spots are too few and too tight, but there are several parking garages around town and most have lifts. Most major stores have their own large car parks. In the center best garage for small children is Tuškanac garage because parking spaces are large. Langov trg has smallest parking spaces and getting kids out of the car can be challenging. For more informations and list of public garages in Zagreb please click on the LINK.

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